We had to venture out in the cold the other day. Dressed Aaron
up to the max in his warm jacket and hat. Made him look like
a little Norsky(Up NORTH)Man. As usual he has his "snacks" with him.
I made this quick Layout on my computer.

He was being so sweet: I took several photos. He likes going
out in the car for rides to .....TARGET! ~hee~
He is obsessed with Target lately. I think we must shop there
a little too much!!!
There is a funny story behind the quote in the collage(Target AGAIN)!
One day I was checking out the dollar bins at Target. Buying tons of
Scrapbooking Jewel Brads. We ran to like several Targets to buy out
their jewel brads. Finally, I think Aaron had enough, and proclaim in a
tired sarcastic voice: "Target AGAIN"? IT was pretty funny! OUt of the
mouths of babes right? ~hee~
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