Here some pixs we took over Thanksgiving Weekend. I
am a little late posting these. I am using these photos for
Christmas cards this year. I made two versions of cards.
I couldn't make my mind up/so I ordered a little from
shutterfly and a set a cards from Kodak easy share. That
way I have 2 versions and 2 different cards to send out. I
will post them when I am ready to send my cards out. For
right now I have these 2 versions of collages I made-one in
color and one in black and white. I thought the pixs looked
fun in black and white too.

Here's our family photo we took with our tripod. Again,
I did a color & black and white version. Funny, when we
dressed up for the day-I didn't plan on taking our family
photo. We just happen to all match/and I grabbed the for
the camera. I was laughing-as we color coodinated so well.
That usually takes planning and all that. It just happened
in this case. Alot less stress on the picture taking too. As
it wasn't planned out either and we did it spur of the moment.

Here is a photo collage of Muffin. We didn't get her in the
photo shoot. So I got some "ground" level photos of her
sitting around after eating TURKEY. The black and White
Photo is Muffin taking a nap on the couch....after eating too
much Turkey.

Better late than NEVER....here is my Sweet Potato Dish
I make for Thanksgiving. Thought I would share the pix
of it with all of YOU. Very good recipe and Easy. I mentioned
it here in my fall/Thanksgiving blog. Here is the image of it.
All it is : sweet potatoes peeled and mashed with butter. Put
in a casserole dish .....layer brown sugar ontop with layer of
chopped walnuts. It makes a good complimentary dish with
regular mashed potatoes and the green bean casserole-YUMMO!

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