Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Cheer in the Hallway........

My little Snowman Family

Here is my entry way when you walk in.......We decorated the doorways with Heavy garland and bows. It's alot of work but we have it organized and thought out every year. All bins are labeled and mark and we have the hardware to hang everything in the bins with the garland. It was so well organized and use to the routine that this year it went pretty well /putting up the garland. My husband put it all up by himself. Really great!

More views of the heavy garland/and of course...the MISTLETOE! Every year we have to hang the mistletoe for my sister-in- law and my bro-in-law/so they can "smooch" under the mistletoe. They love having an excuse to Kissy it up! ~hee~

This plaque is in the hallway too. Love the fun picture on the hanging. Love the little wood sleigh hanging!

Some more bigger wood standing plaques in my hallway entry. I love the Santa one. It was my first large Christmas items I bought. I get alot of my Holiday stuff thru Terry's Village. Love that store......it's got super cute items to buy and they are very inexpensive and I always get FREE shipping. This Santa and Snowman are from Terry's Village. The snowman plaque the welcome sign he is holding actually flips around and has a personal message on it: our names. I can flip it over and it will have our last name on it.

Christmas collage of some of my hallway items. The chenille snowman is really in my family room but the rest of the pixs are of the hallway decor. I love that chenille snowman. He is in alot of my family photos for Christmas. We took alot of pixs of Aaron with that snowman already. The 3 hallway wood plaques in my entry are pictured on the collage too. Oddly enough, I have alot of plaques that say, "let it snow"~hee~ Last photo on the collage is my snowman & Bulb sleigh on my entry table. I have some candelabras on that table and with all the glitter on the snowman and the shine of the bulbs....it just makes for a fun entry item to walk past.

This is the first thing you see as you walk in the entry. This is my Holiday welcome area. I try to put something in this spot for every holiday. When there isn't a holiday I just put my bunnies on it with various items. I either put a wreath or a picture up there for the holidays. This is my Christmas picture. I bought this from Home interiors party. Love the snowmen on it. Very whimsical pix.....and I put some garland and my snowman next to the pix.

Just another larger view of the snowman...isn't he cute? I think I got him at that round barn with the other snowman that look similar. That's it for the hallway. Coming next: the kitchen and dining room.....whooo wee the anticipation! Have a good one and don't eat too many holiday cookies and fudge!

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