Here is a pix of my fall wreath on the front door. I always try to put some sort of welcome wreath on the front door for every season.
I usually decorate my Holiday center. This is a section of my kitchen that I designate for holiday decor. For Fall I put up haybales and scarecrow pixs with leaves and loads of fall fun. Here's a small section of the Holiday Center area of my kitchen.

Heres a collage of some fall fun images in my home for the season.

My Turkey crochet hot pads were a gift from my sister-in-law. I love these hot pads and only use them for decoration. They are just too cute to really use!
Happy Autumn plak I put in my kitchen window. So I can look at it everytime I have to work in my kitchen. LOL! Think Happy thoughts right? Especially when cleaning dishes or making supper.
My wood turkey......he is fun & also on the window ledge.
My turkey hot pad(green checks). I keep this turkey by the stove.
I fill my home with loads of these colorful leafs. So fun and so inexpensive to decorate with them. It makes for a colorful display and doubles for both Halloween and Thanksgiving.

The haybales can be a mess-even the fake ones. However, the fun for the season...it's worth it!
I also set up fake haybales outside my porch stoop in the front of my house. I use to use real haybales BUT found it was wasteful/as I threw away the haybale in the woods every year. Now i just reuse the fake ones and store them away in our garage.
Another inexpensive way to decorate is fake gourdes and pumpkins. I bought mine at Micheals and they were very cheap/and look pretty real. Most important/they don't rot out....as did my real ones on my front stoop. IF they made these fake pumpkins and gourdes heavier I would put them out my stoop too. SO for now I use real ones outside. I hate when they rot out and spoil.
Here is another collage: I have alot of Fall decor!!! Fall is my favorite time of year and I celebrate it to the MAX! ~hee~

I am packing up my fall decor at the end of the week ....so I thought I would share my images with everyone. GOODBYE fall......HELLO Christmas! I will be putting up christmas stuff all the rest of the weekend and WEEK. Always takes that long to string the garland, and put up the tree.

Until than let's enjoy one last image of FALL time. Here is my Autumn Wreath. I have many throughout the house. However, this one is right as you walk in to my home. I usually use this space in my home as my Holiday Display greeting area. Every season I put a wreath or picture of the season. Along with a greeting plak of the season. This one is my Thanksgiving PLak. IT says it all: GIVE THANKS! We have loads to be thankful for and Hope everyone's Thanksgiving Holiday is FANTASTIC!!!!
Eat loads of yummy food.......TURKEY, potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes-yams, buns, and cranberries!
Whatever you eat ....ENJOY and Be Happy!!! God Bless one and all and have a great season!
Looks like great fun. All of your fall items are real creative. I love the fall season with all of the fun colors. Season changes make life a lot more fun and interesting. I like all 4 seasons.
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