I am new here to blogger-thought I would post our past Halloween FUN!
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I made a new two page layout of Aaron, our son- last years Halloween. His costume was a puppy dog. It was his first Halloween trick or treating. I had alot of fun making these pages because I went and purchased some papers by Cosmo Cricket(more to come) and my new felt flowers from American Crafts(love them)! Tried my hand at stamping AGAIN! Not too good at it but here's trying! That's how you learn: trial and ERROR! ~hee~ OH yeah, don't let me forget I had fun using the new Queen and CO Bon Bon Brads: Bootiful too! LOVE THOSE!

Every year we have a family sit down dinner, with spooky lights a glow and good eatins for our annual Halloween dinner. I always enjoy hosting the party and decorating the table with fun party favors. Last year I purchased some really fun cups for the table and a fun table cloth.

All to add to the festive spooky fun. This year we had pork pot roast, potatoes and gravy, carrots and all the fixins for annual dinner.

My brother- in-law was hilarious-I asked him to light the REAL candles on the table. What he didn't realize was I had bought battery operated lights for the rest of the candles holders. One was out ........I must of forgot to turn it on....so needless to say my wonderful brother-in-law lighted and lighted that candle to no avail. Finally he asked me why it wasn't lighting....I looked in terror as I told him, it was a battery operated one. LOL! I think he felt really badly because he burned my fake candle. I just laughed because they are cheap candles anyway and it was so super funny when it did happen. He was so frustrated it wouldn't light. I think that was his TRICK and not TREAT!
I love Halloween, I grew up in a super small town in the country. As kids our trick or treating consisted of going to about two neighbors homes and called that trick or treating. LOL! So I think I over compensate now as a adult for Halloween. Why not tho, it's super fun and who doesn't LOVE candy? Especially chocolate!!!!!!
Our neighborhood is fun, we live on about three or so more acreage lots...so alot of neighbors think of fun ways to bring the kids around. No one walks because it's too far between homes for hoofing it. We have alot of neighbors that have horses ...so they get a group of kids together and take hay wagons around. Others, that don't have the hoofy (horses) friends take snowmobile trailers and take the kids around in the snow sled trailers decorated with hay bales. Super fun for the kids and the adults as well.
We enjoyed this year Halloween but it was a bit COLD out and called it a early night.
Hope every one's Halloween was a fun one!

Bloggin for the first time here.......TFL!
HI all!
I am here too!
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