I'm a little late at posting my Halloween Pixs. I got plum wore out at the Halloween Bloglandia Ball party. I enjoyed visiting every one's Blogs and Halloween posts. Very FUN! Thanks to everyone that stopped by my blog and visited my party too. All the cookies and cupcakes are completely gone. I hope everyone enjoyed the TREATS!
I bet your wondering why I have a non-seasonal banner at the top of my blog? Well, that banner(Live Life...Embellish) was my very first Banner I made for my blog. I added it now because as of November 13...it will be a whole year since I started my blog. So in celebration of that milestone.....I am putting up my First banner. Just until Nov. 13 rolls around. My very first post was a Halloween post. If you want to check it out .....MY VERY 1st Post EVER.

Now I realize I haven't even posted about Our annual Halloween Dinner Party. I throw a dinner every year for my DH side of the family. It's become a tradition to have dinner and decorate the table. I try to make it special and put some party favors on the table. Like a candles, Treat bags, and fun cups, pumpkin dishes etc....We turn down the lights low and play spooky Halloween music. I put special flicking lights in my chandelier to make it even more spooky feeling. Every year the menu is different. This year it was Roast with Mash potatoes and gravy with Corn and Buns and Side salad. The dinner was ummm..ummm good! I need a diet after all I ate....plus add on all those cookies and cupcake treats. Uffdah...time for a diet for sure! The pixs below are some of the table and dining room. I made use of my Yankee candles and used them for a center piece on the table. Worked out GREAT! I had smaller candles near every ones place settings. So we lit those candles as well. I have my spider web tablecloth I use for the occasion. My Character Fun cups. Those are hilarious. Aaron like those alot! In the photo you can kinda see the flickering flame lights on the chandelier.
I even found a cute little tray for Aaron to use at the table. I got this cafeteria style tray at Target. So cute!
Here some views of the Food below. You can see the glow of the small candles I added to each place setting. First pix is the salad. We ordered it from Festival Foods. They sell Tequilaberry's salad at Festival now. So we ordered enough for our party. Love Tequilaberry's salad! The other pix is the main meal.
Look even Muffin gets her turn at the table. ha! She's usually parked right next to me Begging for handouts. I scooped her up and made her take a pix with me.
This was a sweet moment I captured after our dinner party. My MIL with Aaron getting some "HUGS". Super cute............and look at my MIL face. Really enjoying her hug time with Aaron. You can tell that the 2 Just love each other so much. Sweet!
OK....this is the next day on Halloween. Aaron dressed in his costume as a Fireman. Doesn't he make a cute little Fire Chief? We took some photos outside before it got dark.
These photos were taken while Aaron was Trick or Treating around our neighborhood. I love this one of the first house we went to...and Aaron had this look of excitement on his face. I wrote CUTE on the photo.......because it was just so special of a moment. I also cropped it as a closeup. I just love his expression on his face. Priceless!
More Candy PLEASE!
More Trick or treats!
Here's a pix of Doug and Aaron walking up to our next door neighbors house. It's fun to go around trick or treating to the neighbors homes. Except when we are with............we end up visiting a little too long. Ha! Good thing Aaron didn't mind waiting so much. This was good because it gave me more chances for more photos opportunities. Like below:
And some more ........................Another close neighbors house............and we stopped long time and visited more. Ha! Good thing we started out super early before it got dark. Which wasn't so bad because day light savings time didn't start til this weekend. So it was daylight longer.
We ended our night of trick or treating at our house. My MIL and FIL hand out our candy for us while we take Aaron Trick or Treating. Which works out great for US. Plus, it give my MIL and FIL a chance to see Aaron on Halloween. That really helps us out alot so both Doug and I can go around with Aaron. Gives me chances to get some Photos. LOVE IT! Thanks Judy and Dave for helping us out on Halloween. You Rock! Pix is of Aaron at our house and his overloaded Candy bags.
Besides a costume.............I usually get Aaron a special Halloween Shirt to wear all Oct. Long. Here's that shirt from The GAP. It's so cute.....when I saw it had to get it for him. The back reads: SWEET. I thought it was fitting for him.
Well, with that said..........................Here is a little something I put together with all the photos I had extra of Aaron that night in his black shirt. Couldn't resist making a collage out of his facial expressions.
That's alot of little faces huh? I love the smirky ones and eye's closed ones....and the one where he had his mouth wide open. Hee! I know I can use this in a scrap page for sure right?
Well, That's it for our Halloween fun until next year. Hope everyone had a wonderfully spooky FUN Halloween and here's to a good NOVEMBER!
Couldn't decide which photo to use for THE END. So I'm throwing both versions I made.
PS-some relatives have been asking for pixs of the porch. I will be posting new pixs of the porch progress SOON. Stay tuned! It's going well.
What a great tradition! I wish I was in your family..LOL! Aaron looks too cute!
WOW...I can't believe your blog has been here for 1 year!!! TOO COOL ~ and CHEERS to many more years!!!!
LOVE the pictures of your Halloween dinner party and I ADORE Aaron's costume...what a little sweetie!!!! LOVE IT :D
That collage of Aaron's different facial expressions is priceless :D
Cute post.. love all the photos. :)Aaron is getting so big... what a cutie in his costume. I love that you showed us your table all decorated... That table cloth/cover is awesome !!!
Congrats on the one year for your blog.. Yay... I am also grateful to have found your blog, and to have met you. :)
I really enjoy checking your blog, its always filled with great photos, stories, and of course Scrap pages !!! :) Your blog is a real treasure. :) ¥
Love the table decorations, great attention to every detail. Looks like you had fun.
I came across your site via another :>)
LOVE all your Halloween photos! Looks like your dinner party was a big success and Aaron looks so cute as a little firefighter!
Looks like a trustworthy fire chief to me. I'm moving into your dining room! Love it!
The dinner party sounds like such a FUN tradition! I love it!!
And he is a cutie pie.Looks like he had a great Halloween!
I never did make it around to the blog Halloween party.I wanted to participate, and just couldn't find time. Maybe next year...
Thanks for your comments. Yes, Garyis very young to have a stroke. He will be 42 in three weeks. He had his first one at 38. Was really scary!!
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