Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another Tag Album and Tag Answers

I started another Tag mini book. Found some pixs of my family I've been wanting to scrap for sometime now. Finally getting around to it and this mini album is perfect size for these photos.

I started the cover and goofed up already on the cover. I had to put this huge chipboard piece over my mess up. I painted the chipboard frame RED and didn't give it enough time to dry. So when I used my Rub-on that said FAMILY on stuck to the paint....HA! I wasn't laughing when it happened but oh well. Needless to say the rub-on and paint got all goofed up. So I used this big Chipboard that reads FAMILY on it. I like the color of the chipboard and was happy with that but it's kinda large for this cover. I would have put the photo more towards the top of the cover if I knew I was using this but it was too late to move it. Same with the chipboard Frame. I like the photo alot's a pix of Me with my sis Char and my Two nieces from Indiana...Beth and Paula. I decided to take the tag album apart so I would have more room to work with for the photos. I got this idea from Ali Edwards blog. I also used my crop a dile to make the round holes. I didn't have a square paper punch and Ali E. said she uses round punch on these kinda spiral bound albums. So I thought I would try it out for myself. This method seems to work well. Have I said before that I love my Crop a dile tool? Such a handy tool for punching holes. LOVE IT!

Just some more views of the pages I started working on. Pixs of my sis Wanda, her DH Tom and my Twin brother Paul. Aaron had a playmate over as well. My nieces son is almost the same age as Aaron. Only six months between them. So they had a fun time playing. I have some cute pixs for this album of the two boys. Some really candid ones of the boys and the hydandra bush. Ha! You'll have to wait and see for those. Not too much to show but happy I am started up again. Seems like I get something done and than my scrap room just sits...and so does my projects. SIGH! Like I was going to work on it again tonight BUT I have a cold and cough and feel miserable. So to bed I will go after this post.

Before I go I wanted to share with everyone a new blog I found. It's a really beneficial blog if you live in the twin cities area and order Simon's Delivers. It's my fav. grocery store ONLINE. Love getting my groceries brought right to my doorstep. This really saves us so much time and so much easier to shop for groceries. No more lists. It's all stored on their website and I just click on items I need and hit buy button. LOVE IT! This grocery store delivery system is such a life saver when you have a newborn. That's when we stared getting Simon's Delivers. It's so hard to make time to grocery shop when you have no sleep and baby to take care of and not wanting to take the newborn out into the germy world. Ha! We liked Simon's so much we order from them alot. We still go to the grocery store for main items such as MEAT and more expensive items we buy at the cheaper store. However, Simon's is good for prices but they do charge a delivery charge. We really only order Simon's when we have a coupon. Alot of times when you sign up for their delivery...they send 20 dollars off order or even sometimes 50. Especially around the holidays they have better deals. So if you live in the Twin Cities metro area....check out Simon's Delivers. Anyhow, getting back to the blog......Simon's Delivers just started a blog now. LOVE IT! I just got a FREE case of water for visiting their blog. Saved 20 bucks on my order and get my groceries tomorrow to my front door. Only have to make sure I am dressed and out of my PJ's before the delivery man shows up. LOL! The Simon's Blog is fun...check it out if you have time. It's called The Side Dish

Oh before I go here......I got TAGGED by Kory! make sure you check out Kory's blog. She has some super ideas on her blog on how to alter chipboard. So here are my answers Below.
Here are the rules which must be posted on your blog if you are tagged:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

Here are the 7 facts about me:
1. I have to sleep with my hair up in a ponytail and suffer the effects of Ponytail hair in the morning~ha!
2. I rarely take showers instead I take baths.
3. As you learned from my last post about Kiesch I am a Pepper-holic. LOVE to over pepper everything. Especially with real ground pepper corns. YUM!
4. I use to be a size 2-4(USE TO....ha)!
5. I have a tendency to use foul language at times(Potty mouth...I am not proud).
6. I love TV shows about Good Vs Evil. Especially if their adventure shows. (examples: Xena,Heroes, Buffy, Angel,Lost. Etc....)
7. Most of the time I really dislike Sunny hot days. My perfect ideal temp is around the 60's. I tend to like gloomy days(go figure)?

I didn't tag anyone as I have seen these tags before and have seen them on alot of blogger friends blogs already. If you see this and haven't done one....consider yourself tagged(ha ha ha...lazy I know)!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I'm loving that new album that you have started!!! Bummer about the paint, but I'm sure it'll be BEAUTIFUL when you finish it :)

heheheheehehe LOVE the tag game...I have a BAD potty mouth too! ehhehehehehe :)