Saturday, May 12, 2007

Favorite things about MAY's one of the things I love about May.

Our flowering crab tree always blooms in May. I love how pretty it gets. This is an old photo....the tree keeps on growing bigger each year. I believe this was the 2005 photo. I was going to post a photo of this year but the last 2 years I have missed taking pixs of the tree as it in bloom. This year it only lasted a few short days. Today the blooms were mostly gone. The flowers just don't last long enough. I still love the tree.....hope next yer works out better. We usually take photos in front of the tree for Mother's Day. Our family tradition and it's a good way to see how big the tree has grown since we planted it a few years ago.

The pix below is just another reason to love MAY. I love the fresh Rhubarb. This plant is amazing can never kill this plant. Such a hardy plant.

I love all the things you can make with Rhubarb. From Pie's to Cakes, to just eating it plain.

I didn't get a pix but you can kinda see the edge in the rhubarb pix.....The Lilac. I love lilacs too. The Rhubarb Pix is from my MIL yard. She has the best Rhubarb. She always shares hers with us.

Just some photos of what can be made from Rhubarb. Strawberry Rhubarb Pie is the best! My MIL made this pie for us. She uses her Rhubarb plant to the max. What she doesn't use she sends over to my house.

I like serving it with Reddi whip on the top.

Thanks Judy for the Pie it was delicious!

Below is a Close-Up of the Rhubarb Pie That Judy made for us. Yummy!

Strawberry Rhubarb gets kinda crumbly/and got kinda messed up put in container but it was still really good. Wonderful color!

Here is how I like my Rhubarb the best.
My hubby thinks I am Bizarre to eat the rhubarb with salt. I love that taste! He is the weird one....he likes his rhubarb with SUGAR. BLAH! I like the sour taste better. Makes my mouth water thinking about it.
Usually when I do this I have a glass of water handy(ha!) Gets a bit salty but I just love it.
Try it next time you eat might be surprised how good it really does taste.

Although, when my hubby tried eating rhubarb with salt he about "gaged" maybe it's an acquired taste?

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Yum ~ WOW...loving all your favorite May things...especially the beautiful tree and the rhubarb ~ I miss rhubarb!!!!