Here is 2004: Aaron 1st Easter. So cute.....he was such a little babes than! He had the chia pet hairdo cute! I had to many favs on that year. Check them out below:
I love the one where he is reaching for his toy in the basket. Obviously he was too young for candy. So we just gave him baby toys to play with in his baskets that year. He was just sitting up at this point. Had the boppy pillow to catch his fall.
Below are pixs of his baskets. We just set them out for him to grab the toys. I didn't get individual pixs of the baskets. I was new to the camera/taking pixs at this point. ~ha! I also have a photo of him chewing on the Crochet bunny (from the last post I did on Traditions on Easter). Ha, had to get a pix of that......don't they chew on everything at this age???
Pixs of 2005 Easter Below: This year was a bad one. Aaron was sick on this Easter. He has a bad cold. You can tell by the middle pix. He wasn't real happy for photos. So I threw a photo of Doug and I in since I didn't have too many good ones on this year to share.
Easter Baskets from 2005: Still mostly toys but had some snack items in there too. The last basket is from His Grandparents.
Easter 2006: Better pixs of this Easter. Aaron was feeling just fine and got some really cherished favorite photos. I love the one where you can see all the way down to his tonsils. ~Ha! So that photo. He was hamming it up for this photo shoot. The last photo of Aaron in the yellow shirt was not really on Easter. Just took around the Easter Holiday. I love that's one of my favorites thus far of Aaron. I cropped it in close and just love the look of that photo.
Baskets from Easter 2006: Got to love the Target toy gadgets at Easter. They have so much fun toys to pick for Easter baskets. He still plays with alot of these spinners and gadgets. The bunny pail basket is from his grandparents. Very Cute basket!!! Good Job Judy!!!!
Below is finally this year's Easter Fun.....thought I would put the pixs in a slide show. Enjoy! Make sure you click on the photo as it goes by to see the Caption. Have fun!
PS-if it's going to slow for you .....hit the + sign on the slide and it will go as fast as you like.
LOVING the adorable pictures that you posted :) He's such a cutie-pie!!!!
Hhahahaha love the Chia-pet hair :D It's so adorable!!!!
Hello, You do the best job of "Capturing the Moment" with your pictures and captions. Love from your hubby.
love the song you are playing and the pictures are adorable. glad you had a nice easter.
Your blog is just wonderful - you are very talented! You made a comment on my blog about the train cupcakes I made for my son, so I was curious about you! I am an avid scrapper too! Anyway, thanks for the comment and congratulations on your spectacular site!
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