Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year...and some SNOW!

Happy New Year everyone!!! I hope everyone had a fantastic time ringing in the new year. I can't believe it is already 2007! WHEW! Time goes by so fast. This Holiday season just flew by in a hurry. Now the depressing time of putting away all that Christmas stuff......just seems so silly to take all that out for just a month or less....and put it all away for another year. Although, I must admit it is exciting to get it out after waiting a whole year to go by....it's exciting to see the ornaments and little special trinkets. *SIGH* I just HATE putting it all away. Did i say that already??? ~hee~

Here's some pixs of our events for New years Eve and Day. Doug and I toasted with our "sparkling" cider....Ha...were so exciting we didn't even have any real "vino". We were thinking of getting some but ran out and realized it was SUNDAY. LOL...were so dorky! Oh well, personal I like the sparkling stuff much better anyway.

There is a pix of our Dinner we had New Years Day. We had boneless BBQ Ribs with baker potato and corn. Other pix of our sparkling cider and my cookie left overs from Potbelly's. Finally, a pix of New Years Eve dinner: Lasagna with bread sticks. Not too exciting: we watch the ball drop before midnight here/as NY is hour ahead of us/and I was watching MTV. Than we just went to bed early. I know we are such party animals! My husband has some major changes coming for job change and we just needed to take it easy this holiday season. The next couple weeks are going to be stressful. Alot going on and not a minute to spare. You know how it is? Busy!

Look what we got for New Years? YIPPPEEEE...finally some snow! Denver been hogging all the snow. I am so glad to have this treat for our New Years Eve. IT added to the charm of sitting home and having the fireplace on(or as my son says: place). Here is a peek at our snow. We got more than this...as I took the pixs as it was snowing. It was so pretty in the morning for New Years Day. Sunny and the trees were so full of snow. The first pix is our front yard and the other is side of our yard. As you can see in that pix....we got a ton of rain the night before and was making a actual water puddle in our yard. So weird for Dec/Jan here in Minnesota. Crazy I tell you!

The snow built up our hopes on SNOWMOBILING! We were hoping to sled for our holiday vacation but there wasn't enough snow anywhere near. That stinks! So hopefully this snow trend will continue and we can go on some sledding trips.

Here is a cute pix of Aaron and Muffin on the sled. Yes, I said Muffin! She was scratching at the door to the garage wanting to join us. My son loves sitting on the sleds. Right now they are parked in our garage. So he likes sitting on them and pretending to drive them. He even makes the rum, rum, noise....so cute! Muffin felt left out so I scooped her up and put her next to Aaron on the sled. She absolutely hated every minute of it! Oh well, I got some cute pixs of them together on the sleds anyway. Here is hoping we can drive them soon! Maybe this year Aaron will get a little "ride". Depends on how scared he is when they actually running.

Until the real deal(sledding) enjoy the pixs....and again Happy New Year in 2007!


Leigh-Ann said...

Hi Paul-ene,
Nice blog! Sounds like you had a nice holiday. I'll send some of our snow your way, we got 29inches in one night!! But before that, we hardly had any. It was nice for a while...easier to drive :)
Thanks for visiting my blog,
I'll check back once and a while :)

Danielle said...

Have a Happy New Year Pauline!!!

We can't go sledding here either, we have absolutely no snow anymore since the rain made it all melt :(

Hope you get to go snowmobiling very soon!!!!

chanel said...

cool .... have have snow. The opposite of what is happening here! We love the snow, we go snowboarding every year, one day we'll have a white christmas! enjoy the sledding when you get to go!

HereNowSeattle said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful NewYear's. I'm jealous of the snow!
HAppy New Year!