She will be so missed! I don't even have words to describe how sad we are.........and it's hard to even write this entry.
Muffin passed on Oct. 4, 2011-a horrible and sad day.
She had a bout of Pneomonia and other ailments and that day she just couldn't breath anymore and went fast. We were a little shocked as we thought she would get better with the anitbotics we were giving her/but her heart problems and allergy problems probably excalated things to worsen. We had just taken her to the vet and did a X Ray ...and the xray showed her heart was enlarged. I knew she was having heart problems and her allergy meds didn't help those medical problems.
We will miss her dearly but will always have wonderful memories (and photos) of her life with us....she was such a spunky little Shih Tzu/our little cuss!!! Here are some of those photos: I love the one above here....she was so curious(looking at the camera-I probably blinded the poor thing that close up to the lens. Below: she's giving that look she always gave-the attitude look with her cute black lips)!
Here proof that we tortured the poor animal: ha-she was always a good sport. This was new years eve and her lady gaga look.
Easter with the crochet bunny(she was barking at the neighbors going by-spunky!)
Awe, this one so time(she loved Christmas and opening her presents)!
oh, and begging for food........LOL!
Our last Christmas photo shoot with her-poor thing we made her go out in the snowbank for winter pixs. She hated every minute of it!!! Cuss! I loved her in this blue was given to us by doug's aunt(from her doggie that passed on). I can't part with it now.....I have to hold onto it. It just means to much to me. I especially love the pix of muffin in that sweater on my blog.....on the pix that says title of my blog(bloggin shih tzu). She was my inspiration for name of the blog.
Our little shih tzu..........will be missed but not forgotten..............Here some mother day photos with my fur baby!
1 comment:
Oh Paulene when you wrote that something bad has happend, I thought "Noooo, not Muffin!!!" and sure enough she is actually gone. How sad!!! I know how tough it is to lose a pet/family member. Hang in there!
Sandy xoxo
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