Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fun with Play-doh

I have to introduce you to the "Play-doh Family". Aaron received some new play-doh from Sylvia for his Birthday. So we finally got around to opening up the new Play-d0h.

This is what we created..........Aaron started calling them a family and than he named them.

Grandma, Grandpa, Daddy and Mommy. Ha ha ha..................a very good likeness? hmmmm...........I had to post this since it really is the first time we created anything this extreme with Aaron. I guess I did most of it but he really did help with the creations.

I decided to make it my new banner for this month. It's just too special because My son and I created them together. Our first Creative Art together(other than crayon coloring).


MNScrapbookmom said...

You have the most creative banners. I have tried a million times and can't make one. Love the play doh... love the faces.. lol..

Danielle said...

OMG this is absolutely ADORABLE!!! He did such a great job with them too and it's fun that he associated them with his family members ~ LOVE IT :D

It sure is special and I adore that you made this picture for your banner this month ~ very creative!!!

Kory said...

How cute! Takes me on a ride down memory lane b/c I used to LOVE to play with play-doh!