Here is a pix of our home all decked out for the holidays. Notice the candle lights and wreaths I mentioned in my last blog. There is also a pix of the garland around the door and the trees in the flower planters. That is all we do with the outside.
The dining room all Jazzed up! I put my snowman tree in this room for the very first time. We had only used this tree once before and not in this room. It's a new tree and Doug loved putting this tree up. It was easy 1-2-3 step and he was done. This tree has the lights build in/and only 3 sections of tree to stack together. Love that!
I always put the small trees on the dining room hutch. Doug has it all on timer so when the timer goes on......all the lights on the trees and the China Hutch are on automatic. In the hutch I house my Christmas dishes. On the chandelier I hang little green shades over the lights.
Here are the dinner plates inside the hutch. The theme being "twas the night before Christmas". I just change out what plates I normally have in the hutch with these themed plates. I have the cups and saucers that match. I put in my favorite Santa napkin holder ....I use them as a display when not using them on the table. I like that Santa on the napkin holder/he looks so old fashion and vintage.
Here is the snowman that on top of the hutch with the small trees. The snowman was a home interior purchase too. Love his sign that reads: (what else?) "Let it Snow".

The trees on top of the china hutch. I used traditional looking small ornaments. I divide the box of ornaments up and hang on the two identical trees. Each side of the hutch has a tree.
Here is a closer view of the ornaments and garland on the small tree,
Here is the snowman tree in the dining room. I really like it in this spot. I think it will be a every year deal now to have it in this spot of the house.
Now for the ornaments...................................

I love this Pail ornament! I need to buy more!!! I only have 3 for this tree. I bought all the ornaments you see on this tree from Terry's Village. They have super cute Snowman stuff.

These felt snowmen are so cute! I only have 3 of these chunkier & thicker snowmen. The rest are smaller and look similar. These are my favorite by far on the tree. I need to get more!
Here is one of the more plain snowmen...I think I like the other ones because of the white and black color scheme to them. These Icicles are super fun. I am so afraid they will break. I always try to buy stuff that won't break easily. However, these went with the tree and thought they were so cute. I will take a chance on them....and if they break....at least I have a dozen of them on hand.

Here is the garland for the tree. I only wish I would have bought more of it. There wasn't enough to put on the tree. I ended up cutting the garland in sections and just hanging in the front of the tree. Get more out of it that way and fill the tree where you can see it.
The top of the tree...well sorta anyway! Not right at the top but very near. I have no topper to this tree either. Just the basics and no bulbs and extras. This is purely a snowman tree.
Hope you enjoyed my Christmas decor and go get yourself a warm, steamy, yummy peppermint mocha from Starbucks! You deserve it.....yes, YOU DO! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!(as the plates say)~hee~!